Monday, December 30, 2019
Essay on Death The End or a New Beginning - 802 Words
What is death? If you were to look it up in a dictionary it would probably read â€Å"the loss of life†or â€Å"ceasing of all vital functions†. To us being human it could mean one of many things depending on your beliefs. To most it meant the end of a life, to others a shortcut to avoid the inevitable, or even the beginning of something new. Unfortunately, today our conception of death has changed drastically over time. Many like you and me will never truly understand death’s true meaning unless experienced firsthand. The subject of death is shrouded in mystery, folklore, and different meanings from every culture on this planet. Death should not be something to fear for it’s a natural part of life. That said, it also should also not be taken†¦show more content†¦You would think that there would be nothing good from death, although there are things that some people could learn something new about themselves that they would have never thought of in the first place or could be a mercy killing. â€Å"Two young women - teenager Jahi McMath in California and mother Marlise Munoz in Texas - have both been deemed brain-dead, a final state according to statutes. Beyond that determination, however, the cases have taken dramatically different paths and reveal the many complexities involved.†Cases such as these two women would have no bodily functioned what so ever. Their loved ones can either give them two choices. One to keep them on life support for the rest of their remaining lives or two allow doctors to help their patients die to free them of their tortured states. It could also be on the path to enlightenment, an old college professor Morrie Schwartz has suffered a terminal neurological disease called ALS. The disease slowly works its way through the body stopping motor control. The disease slowly took away most of his body functions until it finally reached his lungs and suffocated. During his remaining time that he could still speak, he slowly enjoyed the fruits of life even when he was mostly bound to his home. He concentrated on appreciating what he had and finally detaching himself from his life so he can pass on in peace without regrets. In Morrie’sShow MoreRelated Death: The End or a New Beginning Essay1319 Words  | 6 Pages What is death? Looking up the meaning in the dictionary would probably read â€Å"the loss of life†or â€Å"ceasing of all vital functions†. As human beings the word could mean one of many things depending on what you believe in. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
A Farewell Of Arms By Ernest Hemingway - 1067 Words
A Farewell to Arms By: Ernest Hemingway This book was claimed to be the best American novel to emerge from World War 1. This book is about an American ambulance driver on the Italian front and his passion for a beautiful English nurse. The drivers name is Lieutenant Henry and the English Nurses name is Catherine Barkley. The story starts out with the main protagonist Lieutenant Henry arranging to tour Italy. The following spring, upon his return to the front, Henry meets Catherine Barkley, an English nurse’s aide at the nearby British hospital. Catherine and Henry meet each other and then it becomes into a relationship. Catherine, who grieves over the death of her Husband; longs for love so deeply that she will settle for the†¦show more content†¦Henry was sent to the front with other ambulance drivers to evacuate troops as the Germans begin to break through the lines. They pick up two engineering sergeant and two frightened young girls. When one of their vehicles bog s down in the mud, Henry orders the two engineers to help in the effort to free the vehicle. When they refuse, he shoots one of them, â€Å"I look down to what I have done, he was still breathing, Bonello with his ruthlessness shot him in the back of the head.†(Hemingway 81) The drivers continue in the other trucks until they get stuck again. They send off the young girls and continue on foot toward Udine. Some conflict breaks out and Henry jumps into a river and boards a train to Milan where Catherine resided in. With a pregnant Catherine and Henry who deserted they make way for Switzerland on a borrowed boat. They resided in a town called Alpine and one morning Catherine fell into great pain for the baby was coming, â€Å"I’m awfully tired and I hurt like hell.†(Hemingway 326) They were staying in a hotel at that time and Henry was at the hospital all day waiting for the results of the baby and Catherine. As resulted the baby was born into a still born because the umbilical cord choked him around his neck. Catherine almost died of the delivery but she could not survive in the end because of a hemorrhage. Henry stayed with her at the last moments of her life, â€Å"She was unconscious
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Feds vs Anti-Feds Free Essays
Federalism vs. Anti-Federalism Federalism is the division of power between national and state government. Anti-Federalists believe that power should be equal between the nation and state. We will write a custom essay sample on Feds vs Anti-Feds or any similar topic only for you Order Now An example of Federalism in the constitution is in the 10th amendment, which says that the power that the congress doesn’t have is given to the states. This divides power between congress (national government) and the state (local government). The federalists believed that the Articles of Confederation were too weak. They wanted to ratify the constitution. They also wanted a strong central government. The federalists wrote the Federalist Papers. A few people associated with the Federalists were Jay and Hamilton. They wanted a separation of powers into three independent branches that protect the rights of the people. Each branch would represent a different aspect of people, and no one group can assume control over another because all three branches would be equal. The Federalists think that a listing of right is dangerous. If the national government were to protect specific listed rights, nothing would stop people from violating rights other than the listed ones. So, they argued that it is better to list no rights at all. Overall, the Federalists had more organized efforts. The Anti-Federalists did not want to ratify the constitution. They just wanted to amend the articles. The Anti-Federalists thought that the constitution gave too much power to the national government at the expense of state governments. It was believed that because of the Necessary and Proper Clause, congress had too much power, and the executive branch also held too much power. Thomas Jefferson was an example of an Anti-Federalist. The Anti-Federalists wanted a bill of rights. This was the focus of their campaign against the ratification. The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to added to the constitution to protect liberty. The reason they wanted a bill of rights was because they didn’t want an intimidating nations government taking away the people’s rights again. In an hypothetical election, I would vote for Alexander Hamilton (the federalist) over Thomas Jefferson (the anti-federalist). I choose this because I believe that we should have a strong central government. Our country is based on the power of the government and if the center of the government is weak, then it will effect the rest of the government little by little. We study the constitution because it is a large part of our government’s history, and we are able to learn how decisions were made about the government in the modern day and how much it has evolved from long ago. We are also able to see differences and learn from things that have happened in the past. It is a part of our country and government that can’t be avoided. How to cite Feds vs Anti-Feds, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Transformational Charismatic Leadership and Governance
Question: Discuss about the Transformational Charismatic Leadership and Governance. Answer: Introduction This study has highlighted the concept of leadership style and the business development strategy. In this context, this study has highlighted the skills, knowledge, and the business strategy of the leader. With the help of Quinn management test, emotional intelligence and the situational leadership test would be helpful to discuss the capacity to lead an organisation. As per the Quinn management test, it can be assumed that an organisational leader requires to have the characteristics of producer, mentor, coordinator, innovator, broker, facilitator, director etc. On the other hand, emotional intelligence characteristics of a leader have been estimated. The situational leadership test is benefitted to identify the capacity of the leader in order to control the difficulties of the employees. Moreover, this study has discussed regarding the importance of objectives of the leader. Self analysis After going through the Quinn management test, I have come to know that this test is helpful to identify the gap between the competencies as well as the knowledge. This level of skills can be measured in terms of the knowledge of the talent management. As opined by Avolio Yammarino (2013), it can be mentioned that talent management is benefitted to develop the personal development. With the help of the Quinn management, I can identify that competency management can improve the skills and knowledge, which were not strong. In the words of Bryman (2013), it can be stated that there are several determinants such as producer, facilitator, director, mentor, broker, coordinator, innovator, and monitoring, which can measure the capacity of the leader. As per the Quinn management test, I observed that I am highly concerned about the output and the work. In this respect, I used to aim to the higher involvement, motivation, personal commitment and also on the energy level. These tools are helpful to enhance the efficiency level of a leader. As a result, Cameron et al., (2014) cited that the level of output or the productivity would be improved. In this purpose, it can be added that I will also try to motivate the employees, therefore, it can be predicted that the individual performance of the employees will also be improved. On the other hand, the facilitator tool is helpful to increase the external legitimacy and can also obtain the resources of the production. This will in turn influence the power of a leader. In addition, the director tool is helpful to make a clear expectation, which in turn reflect me to achieve the business objectives by setting the targets. Moreover, Chemers (2014) mentioned that as per the Quinn management test, I am identified as the decisive initiator and I have the capacity of 80 percent to discuss and can solve the existing problems. Moreover, I believe that this type of leader can make policies and provide instructions in order to guide the employees of an organisation. This type of leader can be a good mentor of an organisation. This proves that I have the potential to care and to help to the employees of an organisation. Furthermore, it can be stated that I can increase the skills and knowledge of the employees by providing necessary training. As a result, the business opp ortunities of the organisation can be improved. In addition, I have 78% chance to be a broker. Being a broker, I can encourage the cooperation between the employees of the organisation. It is known that team work can increase the collaboration between the employees. Moreover, I think that morale among the employees will be increased. On the other hand, I have the ability of 78 percent as a coordinator. Therefore, it is helpful to lead to the subordinates of the organisation. From the outcome of Quinn management test, I observed that I have the capacity of 78 percent as an innovator. This proves that I have capacity to change the working environment as per the requirement. Furthermore, it can be noticed that I have the capacity of 76 percent monitor characteristics. As a result, I can efficiently supervise the performance of the employees. As per the emotional advantage test, it can be noticed that the score of the test was 125. This implies that I have higher capacity to control the emotions of the employees. I can efficiently control the stress and anxiety of the organisations subordinates. As a result, it can be stated that the employees will be able to overcome the challenges. Moreover, it can be noticed that emotional advantage of myself will be able to improve the communication better among the employees. Moreover, it can be observed that situational leadership test shows that I have 59 percent capacity to communicate with the employees as a leader. In this respect, it can be mentioned that it is required to increase the efficiency of myself, so that I can control this situation more efficiently. In this respect, it can be mentioned that I can take training in order to improve the leadership skills. After identifying the shortcomings of myself as a leader, it can be stated that the objectives of myself can be identified as power and influence. From the past experience, it can be observed that the employees of my organisation have been suffering from excessive working pressure. Therefore, I organised a motivation session, which could reduce the pressure of the subordinates and they did not feel demotivated. Another incident was the sales of the organisation were decreased and therefore I required to improve the business strategy. As per the statement of Chhokar, Brodbeck House (2013), it can be stated that power in the working environment can be defined as the force, strength and assertiveness. In this context, it can be observed that in case of forward thinking organisation, power can be shifted from I centric to we centric. Therefore, I need to increase the communication with the employees. This will effectively increase the satisfaction level of the employees. They feel that they get priority from the organisation. As a result, individual performance of the subordinates will be improved. On the contrary, Daft (2014) argued that if I would not communicate with the employees of the organisation, they feel that they are deprived and they also feel reluctant to reveal their problems in the work place. Literature review In this section, the researcher has described the necessity of the governance and leadership in order to make a business successful. In this context, this study has highlighted several models and theories, which can effectively discuss the necessity of the leadership and governance in a business. From the above figure, it can be observed that there are several factors, which can significantly make a leader successful. In this connection, it can be mentioned that this is depending upon four important factors such as lead, manage, drive and organisational engagement. According to Frohlich Oppenheimer (2015), it can be stated that the lead factor is able to increase the organisational culture. As a result, it can be mentioned that the leader of an organisation requires to communicate with the employees and also needs to influence to the employees. Therefore, the employees will also be able to identify the objectives of the business. On the other hand, the drive determinants are helpful to increase the sales structure of the organisation. If the productivity of the business will increase, then the sales of the business will be improved (Goleman, Boyatzis McKee, 2013). As per the manage determinant, it is helpful to the performance of the business by improving the organisational strategies. Lastly, engage factor helps the leader to facilitate the employees. In this respect, the leader can organise an award program for the employees. The employees, who perform better, compared to the others, will receive the award. This award program can improve the willingness to work towards the organisation. Moreover, it can be added that other employees also willing to improve their performance in order to be facilitated. As a result, overall productivity of the organisation will be improved. Hence, it can be inferred that the leadership approach of the organisation will also be successful. On the other hand, it can be observed that there are several theories of leadership, which can effectively discuss the role of the leaders of the organisations in order to make a business successful. As per the functional theories, Hackman Johnson (2013) mentioned that these types of leaders mainly focus to the assumptions and the footsteps of the successful leaders. In this type of leadership approach, the leaders usually follow the action-centred leadership model. The situational leadership theory is helpful to identify the ability as well as the willingness of the employees and then determine the leadership style, which is required to follow to make a business successful. Therefore, in a synopsis, it can be stated that this type of leadership approach is needed to develop in order to meet the necessities of several situations and circumstances. As per the autocratic versus participative leadership theory is helpful to make a stronger relationship between the leaders and the followers (Hargreaves Fink, 2012). In this context, it can be observed that the score of situational leadership test is not so high, therefore, the leaders requires to follow the participative leadership approach. It can increase the understanding between the leader and the employees of the organisation. As a result, the business objectives can be achieved effectively. The leader also requires to consider the employees opinion in the decision making process. Moreover, participative leaders aimed to follow the facilitative leadership style. According to Johnson (2013), transformational leadership theory is required to follow in order to motivate the subordinates of an organisation in order to achieve the organisational mission and vision. This would in turn increase the opportunities to implement new ideas and business strategies within the organisation. As per the Fiedlers contingency theory, it can be mentioned that this theory highlights that the effectiveness of leadership is depending upon the position such as characteristics of the project, leaders personality. In the words of Johnston Marshall (2016), contingency theory enhances the personality, behaviour of the leader. There are two types of behavioural improvement approaches such as consideration leadership behaviour and the initiating structure. In case of consideration leadership behaviour, the leaders require to develop a good rapport and interpersonal relationships with the employees. On the other hand, initiating structure is helpful to make a greater planning and business strategies in order to meet the business goal. In the book of Images of organisation, written by Gareth Morgan, the major ideas can be described as the management or the leader an organisation requires to satisfy as well as requires to balance the internal necessities to meet the organisational circu mstances. In the point of Miner (2015), it can be mentioned that the behaviour of the leader is required to consider as per the organisational environmental dealing. Moreover, there are three different types of dimensions, which are followed by Fred Fiedlers contingency model. These dimensions are such as leader member relationship, degree of task structure and the leaders position power. As opined by Northouse (2015), it can be stated that leader member relationship will be stronger if the employees of an organisation is usually accepted and also respected by the organisational subordinates. On the other hand, degree of task structure will be stronger if the task is structures in a well manner. The leaders position power is higher if the great deal of the organisation can be generated to highlight the leaders position. As per the statement of Rice (2013), contingency theory aimed to the two types of approaches such as task motivated and relationship motivated. On the other hand, leader member relationship reflects the trust, loyalty and the level of confidence of a leader. Task structure is helpful to connected with the task clarity and the task accomplishment. Therefore, it can be mentioned that these theories are helpful to develop the leadership style of the organisational leaders. As a result, the power and influence nature can be improved by following these specific types of leadership theories. Conclusion: This study is helpful to understand the leadership and the governance style. In this respect, this study has conducted Quinn management test, emotional intelligence test and the situational leadership test. As per the outcome of Quinn management test, it can be noticed that the leader is 87 percent capable to be a successful producer, 82 percent capable to be a facilitator. On the other hand, it can be also observed that the leader has the capacity to be 82 percent director and 80 percent mentor. This proves that these characteristics can significantly make him a successful leader. He has the enough capacity to lead an organisation and lead the employees. He can also influence and motivate the performance of the employees by his leadership approach. In addition, it can be added that the score of emotional intelligence is 125, which also reflects the characteristics of the leaders to be successful. On the contrary, it can be noticed that the score of situational leadership test is not so attractive, which proves that there are some shortcomings within the leader, which have been identified in this study. During the last few months, it can be observed that the organisation has suffered from two difficulties due to the casualties of the leader. In this connection, it can be mentioned that the employees of the organisation has been suffering from the excessive working pressure. Therefore, they feel reluctant to complete their task properly. Individual performance of the workers was also going down. This would in turn reflect the overall productivity of the organisation. Secondly, it can be stated that the sales of the organisation also decreased and therefore, the revenue earning by the company was also declined. In order to improve the performance of the leader and also improve the individual performance of the employees, this study has provided a significant action plan. By following the approaches of this action plan, the shortcomings will be reduced. Action plan: Actions Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Communicate with the employees Identify the shortcomings Organise a training session Facilitate the employees Increase the individual performance Increase the sales volume Table 1: Action plan (Source: Created by author) As per the above action plan, it can be observed that the performance of the action plan will be completed within 5 weeks. There are 6 activities, which are required to be followed. This step by step performance would be helpful to be an ideal leader. Moreover, the performance of the leaders would also improve. Action plan is required to implement in order to achieve the specific business goal. In this respect, the organisation requires to develop a definite, with which the proposed tasks are required to be completed. As per this action plan, it can e noticed that the leader will first communicate with the employees in order to identify their difficulties what they have faced within the organisation. After that the leader will require to organise a training session to motivate the employees and then will require to facilitate them. Therefore, the satisfaction level of the employees will be improved and they will admire the leader as a successful person. As a result, it can be predict ed that the overall sales of the business will be improved. Bibliography Avolio, B. J., Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013).Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Group Publishing. Bryman, A. (Ed.). (2013).Leadership and organizations. Routledge. Cameron, K. S., Quinn, R. E., DeGraff, J., Thakor, A. V. (2014).Competing values leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chemers, M. (2014).An integrative theory of leadership. Psychology Press. Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C., House, R. J. (Eds.). (2013).Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge. Daft, R. L. (2014).The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Dinh, J. 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