Sunday, August 23, 2020
Synthesis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Entrepreneurial Team & Entrepreneurial Leadership †Free Samples
Question: Talk about the Entrepreneurial Team Entrepreneurial Leadership. Answer: Presentation The exploration report will talk about the properties of business. The theme Entrepreneurial Teams and Entrepreneurial Leadership has been chosen and the chances, adequacy and abilities of individual business person and the enterprising groups have been thought about. The attention on private company was paid and both the essential and optional technique for information assortment is received (Simba Ojong, 2017). The beginning up of Mush: Lets Do It Together was propelled in 2016 whose enterprising thoughts are depicted also. In conclusion the discoveries and conversation will be done where the outlines and diagram has been introduced also. Writing audit According to Kuratko (2016), enterprise is the firing up the new undertaking that comprises of the new thoughts and qualities involving one of a kind components which pulls in the buyer. The business visionary examinations the market circumstance and push ahead in like manner by joining the hazard factor inside with the intention of winning benefit and building up the benchmark in the period of business. The investigations show that singular business visionary liable to bomb more than the innovative group where the brains of different individuals cooperate in various ways and the astute business thoughts and strategies are embraced to guarantee the achievement of the undertaking (Kuratko, 2016). The pioneering pioneer alongside the group could make ponders by using their latent capacity and assessing the idle ability and giving their ability the state of undertaking to make something new and contributing their relational characteristics inside the business taking the business to new climbs. In the current situation the individual business person concentrates less over the little and medium endeavors (SMEs); also the huge and medium ventures are in the pattern. As indicated by Story (2016), the investigations have been led and it was made sense of that enterprising group can't deal with the enormous business because of treatment of colleagues too. At a certain point where group contributes in the development of business and springing up of the new thoughts on the opposite side there emerges sense of self issue as multi-gifted individuals meet up for the basic reason (Story, 2016). On exploring the arrangements have been determined to deal with the groups just as the little and medium ventures so synchronous advancement could be guaranteed. The enterprising groups and authority become familiar with new businesses and step in the field to gain some new useful knowledge and present the world with uniqueness. Hsieh Lee (2017) states that, the commitment of enterpris ing groups includes to the GDP of country and money related status of nation ascends alongside the production of opening for work and corporate social duty is focussed upon (Hsieh Lee, 2016). The general report talks about upon the pioneering groups and administration in which the group and individual working has been examined. The distinction among SME and enormous endeavor is talked about followed by current circumstance in setting of the overall circumstance in the market. In the exploration a short writing is quote alongside essential and auxiliary philosophies. Ultimately the investigation and discoveries are made which is spoken to by outlines and diagrams followed by the end. Phase of enterprise has been talked about to know the overall circumstance of United Kingdom and how this beginning up could be made increasingly fruitful and focussing over the little associations with the goal that shrouded zone could likewise thrive and offers help to countries GDP. Approach The examination technique received for this report is optional and essential information. In essential information assortment survey has been built and assessments of the business people and specialists have been gathered to record and look at the information for increasing valid and solid outcomes. The optional information method has additionally been utilized in which recycled data is accumulated from the paper, diary articles and other abstract work previously acted in the comparable field by specialists (Fallon, 2016). For the essential information assortment the poll has been built and the criticism from the business people, provider, purchasers, financial specialists and other investor has been taken. The example size is been chosen and dependent on that the examination is prepared. The investigation has been led at the little level picking the example size of 100 individuals. Alongside the survey, interviews are directed separately just as the gathering center meeting to get to the considering individuals independently and the working that happens in the groups (Patten, 2016). The adequacy has been estimated on breaking down and assessing the information utilizing the quantitative procedures. The perception strategy has likewise been chosen where the orderly review occur. Working of enormous endeavors and the effect of political and legitimate methodologies are seen alongside their impact on the little ventures. The perception strategy helps the scientist in picking up the present and new data t hat really wins (Morgan et al, 2017). The downside of this strategy is that its expensive as far as time, however the present data is gathered at this point the information is restricted and there are a few vulnerabilities that upset the methodology. The member perception has been picked where the innovative groups and their conduct towards the mate, mentality towards the work has been watched. This strategy helps with gathering the shrouded data inside the gathering and the measures are proposed to ad lib the current circumstance. For the auxiliary data both the inner and outer wellsprings of data has been gathered. For the inner information the marketing chart and fiscal summaries of certain enterprising units have been distinguished and the information is assessed. The client subtleties are noted down and they are reached to make a check over the data and guarantees that the organization gives in genuine. The criticism reports are additionally inspected where return from partners like wholesaler, retailer and representatives are gathered. Focussing over the outside wellsprings of auxiliary information assortment the duty records have been gathered to look at the genuine development and what the organization in genuine cases (Ellram Tate, 2016). On the off chance that the location of avoidance has been stirred up or not is investigated. Alongside it business diaries are considered and web is consistently the source to accumulate the information from any side of the world. The master readings are additionally favored from the genuine e-libraries. The examination of these information is finished utilizing the subjective procedure in which oneself survey and perceptions are noted down. It depends on the view of specialist and the considerations they have with respect to the pioneering groups and administration that follows in the different little and medium endeavors (Johnston, 2017). Investigation and Findings The examinations expressed that legislative issues assume an indispensable job in the foundation of the business, when the association is huge and proceeding over the long haul then approaches are structured by them as they offer business to the country and intensely contributes in the expanding GDP of the nation. In such a circumstance the little and medium undertakings need to endure the same number of times the political circumstance don't support them and to remain over the long haul they need to intrigue the pioneers which make trustworthiness and go about as the hindrance towards the beginning up. There are some different factors also that profoundly influences the improvement of the little and medium business ventures. In structure the bureaucratic nature is characterized inside and out. The structure fundamentally characterizes the hierarchical structure of the organization; better the structure more will be the odds to follow the progressive system (Kumar, 2017). The private venture couldn't bear to keep up the prominent structures as the costing gets high and standard of little and medium endeavor don't coordinate the equivalent along these lines the little organization comes up short on the ability to have the great structure. The worker factor additionally differs as the enormous association includes and pulls in those representatives who interest for the professional stability, by and large the accomplished individuals work over yonder (Franklin-Wallis, 2017). The fresher or individuals who yearn for more and needed to learn different things and work alongside the unmistakable individuals decide to be in the little and medium ventures where there are assortment of things that could be educated and relational improvement happens. The other point that issues and brings contrast among little and enormous association is compensation and culture too. From the point of view of individual and the gathering business visionaries there are a few pioneering o penings that ascent up. There are capabilities required in setting up the business visionary and the aptitudes, conduct and worth assume the crucial job in endeavoring the beginning up and extending it further utilizing the compelling methods to bring about huge achievement (Macaulay, 2017). The business speculations are engaged upon by the little ventures and the ongoing pattern of start-up is proceeding. There are a few organizations that appeared with the beginning of start-up which include the vital job of digitisation of the nation (Burton et al, 2016). There is the advancement of remote Wi-Fi hardware which renders fast web and empowers speedy downloading, the new squeeze machine has been presented that conveys new organic product juice and the uniqueness it conveys is this that the gear could be worked utilizing the Wi-Fi. So also, Uber has come up giving the rides office to clients at the negligible charges set according to the course and opportune give the limits and offers on each ride. Such an organization embraces certain enterprise speculations to guarantee smooth working of the innovative groups and pioneering initiative. The eco
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Use Social Media When Job Hunting With Expert Kathy Bernard
Instructions to Use Social Media When Job Hunting With Expert Kathy Bernard Since the economy dove in 2009, we’ve all heard awfulness accounts of individuals going through many months submitting application after application and not getting any reactions. Yet, shouldn't something be said about those individuals who have occupations where they’re exhausted and underpaid?â€Å"I think the greatest test for work searchers today is the ridiculous desires for some companies,†says Kathy Bernard, maker of â€Å"They regularly anticipate that an individual should accomplish crafted by three individuals, and they need to pay them horribly at the equivalent time.†Bernard, who would like to help both the jobless and pitiably utilized through her site, says that today many activity searchers are figuring out how to conform to maintaining various sources of income at destitution salary. Also, the circumstance is particularly baffling on the grounds that much of the time, huge organizations are rounding up record benefits and could pay fairly.â€Å"They can pull off paying horrendously on the grounds that individuals need a vocation so badly,†she says.At a similar time, Kathy says it’s intense for private ventures that regularly can’t bear to enlist individuals on account of the considerable number of costs and assessments they should pay.Kathy extends to extraordinary understanding on getting a vocation in today’s advertise. Here’s what she needed to say: What favorable circumstances do today’s work trackers have?Job searchers have numerous points of interest today that prior ages didn't. The greatest preferred position they have is LinkedIn, which gives them an approach to set up a solid brand, examine organizations, contact scouts, re-associate with previous colleagues, get proposals, and much more.How significant are internet based life destinations particularly LinkedIn-to work hunters?LinkedIn is tremendous for the pursuit of employment! As per a nd different sources, 94 percent of enrollment specialists use LinkedIn to discover or vet possibility for their open positions. For most employment searchers, it is likewise helpful to have a fundamental comprehension of the entirety of the significant web based life destinations (especially LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) so you can speak proficiently about them in meetings and utilize the locales (whenever required) for business purposes.What are some accepted procedures for utilizing web based life when you’re looking for a job?Fully complete your LinkedIn profile. Especially siphon up your LinkedIn feature and past and present place of employment titles. Pack each activity section with applicable obligations to intrigue employing organizations searching for individuals with your background.Also, have a built up account on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. It is anything but difficult to set up profiles on these locales, and simply making such a straightforwar d stride offers you a simple response if enrollment specialists get some information about your web based life experience.Don’t express dubious perspectives on Facebook and don’t post messages so oftentimes that you bother individuals. Understand that your profiles can be seen by enrollment specialists and that your past postings can hurt you.What are acceptable propensities that each activity searcher needs to get into so as to get work faster?Don’t detach yourself. Go to work organizing gatherings, set up systems administration espressos, in aptitudes building workshops and online courses, siphon up your LinkedIn profile, and approach individuals for help (and set them up to help you as viably as could be expected under the circumstances). On the off chance that your resume and LinkedIn profile aren’t pulling great for you or on the off chance that you are persistently not landing position offers subsequent to meeting, enroll proficient assistance to ch ange your application materials and get ready for interviews.
The Hunger Game by Suzanne Collins Essay Example for Free
†The Hunger Game†by Suzanne Collins Essay The epic The Hunger Games composed by Suzanne Collins. This tale discusses 12 areas that are constrained by the Capitol and the Capitol made The Hunger Games to help individuals to remember the regions about dim day. In the novel, the most common tones are bitterness and outrage. The Capitol gives 12 locale a dim life, and it additionally sets a merciless game for the individuals. Constantly, tributes are compelled to accomplish something that they would prefer not to do. Legislative center gives 12 areas a dull life. Above all else , there isn't sufficient food to take care of individuals, so they need to chase in the forested areas, however this isn't took into consideration anybody. For instance, â€Å"Most of the peacekeepers choose not to see the couple of us who chase since they are as ravenous for new meat as anyone is.â€ ï ¼Ë†P5 Collinsï ¼â€°As the pioneer of 12 locale, obviously the Capitol ought to give them a decent life, yet in truth they are simply pondering themself and don't give their residents enough food . To help citizens’ life ,these individuals aret compelled to do a few things that are not permitted. So individuals will be content with an agreeable lifeï ¼Å"and If the life for them is struggleï ¼Å"then that would be tragic. Secondlyï ¼Å"there is a ton of brutal standards for individuals. For instanceï ¼Å'â€Å"My father could have earned substantial sums of money selling themï ¼Å"but if the authorities discovered he would have been openly executed for instigating rebellion.â€ ï ¼Ë†P5 Collinsï ¼â€°People need weapons to secure themself in such a hazardous locale. Anyway it isn't permitted. the Capitol ought not slaughter individuals who claims weaponsï ¼Å"because that individual may have not done anything. So the standard that weapons are not permitted is so tragic for the residents of Panem. At last, There isn't sufficient power for people,â€Å" But since we are fortunate to get two or there long periods of power in the evening.†(P4-5 Collins) Electricity is significant for living, however the Capitol just allows a couple of long stretches of power to their residents, this may realize terrible impact to people’s life. So an existence without power would be pitiful. All in all, the existence that legislative hall provides for 12 regions is dull and pitiful. The Capitol made a merciless game to make tributes from 12 areas execute one another. As a matter of first importance, The Hunger Games breaks many warm families. In detail, every year, there will be two little youngsters picked fromâ each area, and toward the end, there will be only one tribute left, and other will have passed on. A kid is critical to a family ,however in the game , they are simply diversion devices. Toward the finish of the Games most groups of these tributes will lose their kid. So the game is so savage to residents. Likewise, in this game, the tributes’ life are meaninglessï ¼Å"this game is simply to make the individuals cheerful in the Capitol. As verification, individuals in the Capitol wouldn't fret tributes pass on or not, they simply appreciate this game , and the Capitol needs make progressively fun from this game. A life for individual is invaluable, however legislative center simply make tributes murder one another. In The Hunger Game ,these tributes are simply instruments that make the crowd happyï ¼Å" so they are being overlook ed. This is so merciless to the individuals. At long last, in the Games,the gamemakers give the tributes trust that two tributes from a similar region would both be the winner,but the Capitol pulverized it toward the end. All the more precisely, â€Å"Under the new ruleï ¼Å"both structure a similar region will be proclaimed victors in the event that they are the last two alive , Greeting to the challengers of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games. The previous correction has been disavowed. Closer assessment of the standard book has unveiled that just a single champ might be allowed.†(P342 Collins) Two individuals from same region may have common sentiments with each otherï ¼Å"so the new guideline for them is pretty goodï ¼Å"this is a decent trust in themï ¼Å"and they can be a team,but toward the end, the another new principle is asking two people that have just framed a union kill each otherï ¼Å"that is so coldblooded for these two individuals. So what the gamemakers did would drive tributes so crazy. In conclusionï ¼Å"the decides that the Capitol provides for tributes are so pitiless. All the timeï ¼Å"the tributes are compelled to accomplish something that they don’t need to do. Above all else, Katniss was approached to begin to look all starry eyed at Peeta. In detail, Haymitch needs Katniss and Peeta to get more assistance from the crowd, so he asked Katniss and Peeta to become hopelessly enamored with one another. Katniss realizes that different tributes will be her foe in the game, incorporate Peeta. So she attempts to be far away from Peeta, however she simply needs to get some assistance in the game, Haymitch requests that her experience passionate feelings for her foe, and Katniss is so furious about this. Also, in the Games, Katniss needs to avoid different tributes, however to make progressively fun, the gamemakers make more threat to attempt to assemble all tributes. For instance, the gamemakers are apprehensive Katniss would not meet another tribute, so they don’t mind whether Katniss kicks the bucket and they make a fire to change Katniss’s heading. This game is making the tributes battle by their own and their destiny is given into their own hands, yet the gamemakers meddle during the time spent the Games. So the tributes are furious with what the gamemakers did . At long last, at the start of game, what Katniss needs to do is get the weapon ,yet she is approached to discover water first before the Games began. â€Å"Just get out ,put as much separation as possible among yourselves and the others, and discover a wellspring of water.†(P149 Collins) Katniss has her own considerations, and she thinks she is acceptable at chasing, so she needs a weapon, this is the thing that she truly needs to do toward the start of the Games, however Haymitch requested that her do different things. This isn't the way Katniss needs to do ,s o Katniss is so furious about Haymitch’s guidance. Taking everything into account, the tributes consistently were approached to do what they don’t need to do, this is so miserable and makes outrage in them. In summery, the Capitol gives 12 areas a dull life ,additionally makes a barbarous game for residents . All the time , the tributes are compelled to do a few things that they would prefer not to do. So The Hunger Games make individuals of 12 regions and tributes dismal and irate. Work Cited Collins, Suzanne. Craving Games. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 2008. Print †The Hunger Game†by Suzanne Collins. (2016, May 10).
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Gmat Argument Essay Topics
Gmat Argument Essay TopicsThe Gmat argument essay topics are found in the Gmat essay writers' dictionary. They are contained in the Gmat article. These article lists can help you choose the best essays. Gmat essay topics help to simplify your task by making it simple to understand each topic.First of all, make sure that you have already given the title for the essay. One good example of a title is 'Gmat essay topics - what is this?' Do not try to be creative, you should stick to the Gmat essay topics. Your title must also relate to the topic and can be related to the topics. Some examples of Gmat essay topics include 'What is Gmat essay topics?' or 'Where is Gmat essay topics?'Choose an article that is related to the topic. You may have already included it in your assigned topic. You may also write about some related topic. It is not necessary to write about yourself, however if you do that, you might want to rewrite your essay. If you are writing for school, there is no need to thin k about self-promotion, so just provide information about the subject of the essay. In addition, you must make sure that the information you provided can be included in the article.Your essay is most likely going to be a review of some research you have done, especially on a topic. Make sure that you keep it simple and avoid any special attention. Use a lot of paragraphs, so as to make it easy for the reader to get the information you need. You may also use keywords that are required in order to find information in a large web site.When you are writing your essay, you must want to include information about yourself, so that your essay is unique. You may not want to refer to yourself when you are writing, but you may refer to your company, but make sure that it is written properly. You may want to state who you are, but do not include too much information. You will also want to change the topics each time you submit your essay. You should always remember that you will want to make th e essay appealing to the reader. When your essay is worth reading, they will give you points for each topic.Do not forget to indicate if you want to include a short essay or a long one. The length of the essay will also depend on how much information you want to include. You will also want to use statistics to support your position. If you are providing statistics, you need to make sure that they are able to give the facts in the article. You also need to include citations.As you can see, the Gmat argument essay topics are very important. Make sure that you keep them to a minimum. You will want to stay focused on the topic. This will ensure that your essay is easier to read and that it can be easily understood. You may want to find out more about Gmat essay topics in the Gmat essay writers' dictionary.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Purchase Dissertation
Purchase Dissertation Purchase Dissertation If in college and looking for dissertation assistance, it is essential to work with a qualified academic writer with experience in providing dissertation assistance. Some people do not place enough value on dissertation assistance, which results in a poorly written and formatted paper. To graduate college, this paper is extremely important so hiring a professional for dissertation assistance should not be taken lightly.Reasons for getting dissertation assistance vary. You may want undergraduate dissertation assistance because you are struggling to meet a deadline, you may have concerns about a low grade, or you lack inspiration. If having a hard time for any reason, you need to know that asking for dissertation assistance is perfectly acceptable. If you were to ask 100 college students if they have used dissertation assistance, the majority would say they have.For starters, regardless of the academic writing company interested in for dissertation assistance, you want to make sure the writer assigned to your project has a Masters degree at minimum. The reason is that when a writer providing dissertation assistance has this level of education and up, he or she has first-hand experience and knowledge of how critical solid dissertation assistance is. This professional would have already gone through the process and understands the different aspects of dissertation assistance that must be addressed, as well as the guidelines to follow.Taking advantage of a skilled/educated writer for your dissertation assistance would provide you with confidence in the final paper that exceeds expectations. Typically, top academic writing companies that provide dissertation assistance hire only the best writers. Therefore, you would have access to excellent dissertation assistance, as well as help with other college papers.With the right dissertation assistance, you would receive a customized paper and export support. Quality dissertation assistance would also involve help in choosing a compelling title and result in a paper written specifically for the grade. Additionally, you could choose dissertation assistance for the writing only, dissertation assistance that includes research, dissertation assistance in the form of guidance, or dissertation assistance complete with an outlined, formatted, and referenced paper according to current standards.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Affordable Care Act ( Aca ) Essay - 1336 Words
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and compare it to the status of how this has been implemented in the state of Ohio. I will list several positive and negative outcomes and how these outcomes have impacted my community in Ohio. I will also list several examples of how the health care reform has affected the economics in health care for my state. I will conclude with my final thoughts on the health care reform and give my personal opinion on whether or not I feel that it has been effective in my state. Healthcare Reform Overview The Affordable Care Act, signed into law on March 23, 2010, consists of 10 titles which provide Americans with health benefits. Sometimes this is referred to as â€Å"Obamacare†or the Patient Protection Act. The basis of the ACA is to assure that Americans can afford quality health insurance, without discrimination, while making purchasing insurance competitive for buyers, while also eliminating the uninsured (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2015a). This allows the consumer to take control of their health care while making informed choices. By providing affordable health care, this will help reduce wasteful spending that does not improve the quality of health care, which could generate an annual savings of around $140 billion after a five-year period (Sahni, Chigurupati, Kocher, Cutler, 2015). All American’s were required to be insured either by purchasing private insurance, by their employer, orShow MoreRelatedThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )956 W ords  | 4 PagesAbsract++++++++++++++++++++++++++= The Affordable Care Act (ACA) (also known as â€Å"Obamacare†) is an historic piece of legislation that has had massive effect on healthcare in the United States. Its systemic effects on healthcare in this country are numberous, from insurance to ambulatory care, from healthcare related taxes to healthcare resources, and beyond. That said, the following research paper attempts to summarize how this massive piece of legislation has effected healthcare in the UnitedRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )784 Words  | 4 PagesThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a primary debate topic since it was enacted in 2010. The conservatives completely disagree with the Affordable Care Act and believe that â€Å"Democrats used it as an assertion of power than they used it to improve health care conditions†(â€Å"Republican Views on Health Care†, 2014). They believe that the act was a waste of taxpayer’s dollars and would inevitably ruin our health care syste m. In contrast, the liberals supported the ACA and â€Å"pride themselves on the factRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )1668 Words  | 7 PagesOn March 23,2010 the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was signed into law. This act aims to provide affordable health care coverage for all United States citizens. â€Å"The Affordable Care Act affirms the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their health care.†(President Obama) It will provide insurance to more than thirty million people who have been previously uninsured, and will be achieved by expanding Medicaid and extending federal subsidiesRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca ) Essay1428 Words  | 6 PagesThe Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as ObamaCare, is a United States law that was signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012. This Act was set to reform both healthcare and health insuranc e industries in the United States. It aims to lower cost on coverage, add new benefits, and a few new taxes. Increasing the quality, availability, and affordability of private and public health insurance are very important roles of the ACA. While tryingRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )1349 Words  | 6 PagesIn 2010 the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was signed into act to help reform healthcare in the United States. Before and after the act was effective, many people were concerned with how it would affect our country as a whole and on an individual basis. Many people say that the ACA is helping our country and others are not so sure. The goal of the act is to give millions of uninsured Americans access to quality health care and by also making it more affordable. Although thereRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )1279 Words  | 6 PagesThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a health reform law that was signed by President Barrack Obama on March 23, 2010. The full name of the law is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). One week later the President also signed a law called the Health Care Education and Reconciliation Act (HCERA), which was a supplement that made several changes the PPACA. What the country currently refers to as the ACA or Obamacare is both of these laws combined. (McDonough, 2012) Many AmericansRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act (ACA)1156 Words  | 5 PagesThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) will cause a large influx of patients into the health care system. For a variety of reasons, this will change how the front-line health care personnel provide care. Nurses will expand his or her scope and territory of care. Front line providers will change to include more advanced practice nurses because of the national shortage of primary care providers (Department Of Health And Human Services, 2014). No longer will they just practice in brick and mortar hospitalsRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca ) Essay1089 Words  | 5 PagesSince the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or ‘Obamacare’ in 2010 and its implementation in 2014,there has been a steady decline in the uninsured population of the United States of America. The number of Americans with health insurance, has reached a historic peak. According to recent data from the Census Bureau about he alth insurance coverage, the number of uninsured Americans fell from 33 million the year prior to ACA implementation to 29 million in 2014.The total uninsured rate droppedRead MoreAffordable Care Act ( Aca )1576 Words  | 7 PagesAffordable Care Act (ACA), often known as Obamacare, was signed by President Obama in 2010. The goal of the Act is to increase the number of individuals with health insurance to the point where all Americans are insured by providing quality healthcare at an affordable price. Despite its good intent, the ACA is not as perfect as it may appear. In this paper, I will list the main features of the Act, its pros and cons, and how it affects you as an individual and discuss the King vs. Burwell lawsuitRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )890 Words  | 4 PagesOn March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act which is an Obamacare, is the United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) experienced many challenges, debates, and objections until the Supreme Court rendered a final decision on individual mandate healthcare insurance to uphold the health care law on June 28, 2012. The mandate healthcare insurance for workers by employers’ obligation through a regulated marketplace of health maintenance organizations
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Test Evaluation DASS - 885 Words
Test Evaluation: DASS The Depression anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21) is a 21-item quantitative measure of distress that has 3 scales- anxiety, stress and depression, each of which has 7-items (Henry Crawford, 2005). The DASS-21 is a shorter version of the full 42-item questionnaire (DASS) both of which are typically used to discriminate between the three related states of depression, anxiety and stress (Antony, Bieling, Cox, Enns, Swinson, 1998). Distinguishing between these states has proven difficult, particularly between anxiety and depression (Clark Watson, 1991a) . Many of the major scales predominantly measure the common factor of negative affectivity (Watson Clark, 1984). While the full version DASS is used in both clinical and research settings, the DASS-21 is typically used for research purposes (Lovibond, 2013). As such this paper will evaluate the empirical evidence for the validity and reliability of the DASS-21 for research purposes. Evidence for Validity The DASS-21 shares many similarities with the tripartite model of depression (Brown, Chorpita, Korotitsch, Barlow, 1997), which posits that the explanation of an affective domain requires the evaluation of both common and distinct elements (Clark Watson, 1991b). The tripartite model argues that factors of anxiety and depression can be categorised as having general distress (negative affect) as well as distinct symptoms, namely hyper-arousal, in the case of anxiety and anhedonia, in the case ofShow MoreRelatedA Comprehensive Psychological Assessment At Bradfield Hospital Mental Health2229 Words  | 9 PagesColdwell’s referral, a semi-structured clinical interview (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV-TR, Axis I) will be employed which will include a Mental Status Examination, followed by the administration of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42) and Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) to assess the possibility of depression and anxiety (particularly social anxiety disorder). A comprehensive clinical interview is the first stage in psychological assessment in order to determine a diagnosisRead MoreClinical Test Construction Exercise Report2872 Words  | 12 Pages Clinical Test Construction Exercise Name: Erin Mellifont Student Number: s2798629 Course: 3009PSY Convenor: Mark Kebbell Tutor: Cathy Poole Tutorial Time: 10:00am-11:50am Thursday Due Date: 6th October 2014 Date Submitted: 6th October 2014 Word Count: 1919 words Clinical Test Construction Exercise Reason for Referral Ms. Julie Coldwell is a 25 year old woman who was referred to Bradfield Hospital Mental Health Unit by her General Practitioner for psychological assessment. Ms. Coldwell worksRead MoreGroup Cohesion8510 Words  | 35 Pageschallenges than others. For example, given that social phobia involves an intense fear of scrutiny from other people, these individuals may present with barriers to forming a collaborative alliance, such as poor social skills, extreme sensitivity to evaluations, or social avoidance (Woody Adessky, 2002). Only one study thus far has examined the development of group cohesion and its relationship to outcome during a group CBT treatment of social phobia. Woody and Adessky (2002) treated individuals forRead MoreInstruments All the scales in the study were in farsi language version. All of them had been900 Words  | 4 Pagesand high Cronbach ´s alpha (a= 0.96) and test-retest reliability (r= 0.84). Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) as a common comorbid disorder with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) was distinguished by the farsi version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21, Lovibond Lovibond, 1995) with answer options ranging from 0 (Did not applied to me at all) to 3 (Applied to me very much, or most of the time) (e.g., ‘‘I found it difficult to relax†) and high test-retest reliability (r= 0.72) and Cronbach ´sRead MoreChildhood Anxiety Disorders : Is The Role Of Fathers Been Underestimated?870 Words  | 4 Pagesquestionnaire was used to deal with these discrepancies. In the research article I read the question being asked was does maternal and parental anxiety and depression, and maternal and parental rearing style indicate the success of CBT for kids with? The test subjects that were chosen had to have very specific qualities. All the children and parents had been interviewed with the â€Å"child version†of Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS). Out of the children that were interviewed they had already haveRead MoreLanguage Of Instruction At School1407 Words  | 6 Pagescurrent structure, he appears slightly smaller than other children his age (Tanner, Whitehouse, Takaishi, 1996). He is left handed. Medical History Sihle is reported as being a relatively healthy young boy. His eyes are tested yearly however no tests have been done regarding his hearing. He does not take any form of medication and there appears to be a family history of learning difficulties, substance abuse, and epilepsy. Scholastic and Therapeutic History Sihle reportedly commenced schoolingRead MoreEvaluating and Criticizing the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)1079 Words  | 5 PagesWatson, Clark and Tellegen (1988) developed The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (i.e. PANAS). In the following review, I will evaluate and critique the PANAS, as a measure of trait affect, focusing on the reliability and validity of scores, test content, and the manner in which it is used. The PANAS is one of the most widely used affective measures in the field. The schedule consists of 20 items, 10 for the Positive Affect (PA) scale (e.g. interested, excited) and 10 for the Negative AffectRead MoreMichael J. Fox And Parkinson s Disease Essay1288 Words  | 6 Pagesperspective where assessments, as well as short- and long-term disease management goals, are conducted and developed by a team of healthcare professionals together with the patient†(Prizer, 2012). SHORT/LONG-TERM GOALS CHART: GOAL INTERVENTION EVALUATION (12-month supervised trial) Short-term goal #1: Affective Airway Clearance Obtain baseline data for comparison. Monitor breathing, and auscultate lungs. Patients should sit in high fowler’s or semi fowler’s position to allow for maximum lung expansionRead MoreBeliefs, Measures, and Approaches to Psychological Problems of Depression, Negative Thinking, and Loneliness3280 Words  | 13 Pagesprocesses. The study of Frewen et al. (2008) indicates that negative psychological emotions can be understood in terms of mindfulness meditation-based clinical interventions. This is associated with cognitive theorists that identify the measurement and evaluation of psychological emotions can be done through understanding cognitive processes. Cognitive processes map the individuals state of mindfulness, which controls or automates thinking (Frewen et al., 2008). The study uses the cognitive symptoms ofRead MoreEffects of Motivation on Learned Helplessness3158 Words  | 13 Pagesmotivated children but not for the intrinsicall y motivated children. On the other hand, positive feedback enhanced the performance of the intrinsically motivated children only. The researchers concluded and concurred with Deci and Ryan’s Cognitive Evaluation Theory that a self-determined (intrinsically motivated) individual determines whether competence information will have a positive effect on the subsequent motivation which leads to better performance in a task and reduces helplessness. Moreover
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
There is Only One Ludwig van Beethoven - 729 Words
â€Å"What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven†Summing up the philosophy of the great composer, Ludwig van Beethoven, the quote also reflects of the time in which he lived. Beethoven firmly believed in the dignity of man and that one should live in complete freedom without limits. Looking into the three parts of his life, early, middle, and end, one will learn about the inner life of the great composer. During his early life, his musical capabilities shined through. Born in Bonn, Germany in 1770, his family life started out rough. His father, a court musician, struggled as a drunkard, leaving his young son to fend for himself. Although caring, Beethoven’s mother lived frail and sickly for the whole of her life. Although he began studying music at age 4, his lessons did not bring him joy. Often late at night, his dad would come home from patronizing local taverns and forc e the boy to learn music until dawn. Drinking excessively just seemed a natural part of his life. As a young child, he often battled depression, which one can understand why by simply looking at his home life. However, some noticed his skills and employed him as an organist. In 1787, at age 17, he traveled to Vienna and played for the great composer, Mozart who accurately predicted the future greatness of the young man. While in Italy, Beethoven received a call to return home to see his mother. Soon afterShow MoreRelatedLudwig Van Beethoven, One of the Greatest Composers of the Roomantic Period1099 Words  | 4 PagesThe Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Multitudes of music books recount the life of Ludwig van Beethoven and his contributions to music. There are many different texts that provide hard evidence that he was an individual who went on to become one of the best-known composers of all times. The early life of music saw many composers try to succeed with writing and publishing music. However, Ludwig van Beethoven emerged to become a crucial figure during the transition from Classical to Romantic erasRead MoreThe Classical Romantic And Modern Era1058 Words  | 5 PagesLudwig Van Beethoven was German Composer Pianist I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must out; that is the reason why I compose Ludwig Van Beethoven piano compositions were published at the age of thirteen. He took a simple ideas creates his worksRead MoreEssay on Ludwig Van Beethoven1148 Words  | 5 Pagesthe people on it as a whole, you see that there are very few influential people whose actions or opinions strongly influence the course of events. Ludwig Van Beethoven, a German musician, is one of those very few. He was an extraordinary musician that lived through hardship and had the horrific fate of deafness, any musician’s worst nightmare. Beethoven left a wall standing in history that captured the art of sounds and worked it beyond imagination into music so fragile and pure yet onerous, unableRead MoreThe Revelation Of Beethovens Childhood1617 Words  | 7 PagesLife as it was for Beethoven had many varying elements, and this research paper will be revealing a lot of what he went through as a young boy all the way to the end of his life and career as the world renowned Ludwig van Beethoven. The basis for this paper is to express and expound on the life and career of Beethov en, and why he was seen as part of the pivotal transition between the Classical and Romantic eras. The topics that will be discussed will be the revelation of Beethoven’s childhood andRead MoreComposer Report: Ludwig Van Beethoven Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesComposer report: Ludwig van Beethoven On 17 December 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born. He was an amazing and great classical musical composer. He is known for being the most famous composer of the classical and romantic periods of music. According to the â€Å"Enjoyment of Music†manual, Beethoven was born in Bohn, Germany. His father, with his grandfather, was the two singers at the court of a local prince, Friedrich Max. (Forney and Machlis 197). Beethoven began to take an interest in music fromRead MoreMusic Compare and Contrast1570 Words  | 7 Pageshave it easy. Neither did Ludwig van Beethoven who grew to be one of the most successful composers of all time. Taking in the world and challenges around them, both of these artists overcame many obstacles to become what they are known for. Their fans have followed and have been inspired by them. The band Thirty Seconds to Mars and Ludwig van Beethoven came from two different eras and have rough times in their youth but overcame to succeed in the music world. â€Å"[Ludwig] Beethoven’s father, JohannRead MoreLaqwandra Myers. Ludwig Van Beethoven . February 1, 2017.1066 Words  | 5 PagesMyers Ludwig van Beethoven February 1, 2017 Music Appreciation 101 L. Webb M/W 12:30PM-2:00PM â€Æ' When asking anyone to name a famous composer in history, a few names will always be mentioned. They are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, and Ludwig van Beethoven, just to name a few. Every composer mentioned have become famous in their own rights, and have inspired musicians for centuries. Arguably, the most famous composer in history would be Ludwig van Beethoven. BeethovenRead MoreA Short Research Paper On Ludwig Van Beethoven1269 Words  | 6 PagesA Short Research Paper on LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN MUS 1030 Walters State Community College Robbie Poteete, Instructor NIC NIX APRIL 22, 2016 Although there have been many famous composers over the years, probably none are as well-known as Ludwig van Beethoven. Regardless of one’s particular preference of musical style, almost everyone can quickly recognize Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata, Ode to Joy, or Symphony 5. Beethoven â€Å"was born during the age of the Enlightenment, came to maturity duringRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1600 Words  | 7 PagesLudwig van Beethoven is known for much of his musical accomplishments. One of his most famous is that he is deaf and yet one of the best musical composers of the classical and romanic area. Beethoven has always been one of my personal favorite composers. When I grew up and started taking piano, Beethoven s Fur Elise was my first large classical piece. Ever since that point on I insisted that when we were in Germany we see his home, and that we did. In this essay I will be explaining Ludwigs YouthRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven, Composer Of All Time, And For Good Reason1459 Words  | 6 PagesLudwig van Beethoven is perhaps the most well known composer of all time, and for good reason. Born in the Classical era, Beethoven composed music that people could connect to and feel in a way that they had never experienced before. Beethoven was a great musical innovator as a result of his work as a composer, his assistance in the transition from the Classical era to the Romantic era of music, and his famous Ninth Symphony. Ludwig van Beethoven was born on either December 16th or 17th in the year
Personal Experience Applying for a GLC Scholarship
In my life, there was always three things certain in my mind. Firstly, family is always first, secondly that your academics allow you to reach new heights and lastly, that one should always help those in need. The Bible tells us that humans are called to do justice, love, kindness and walk humbly with God. What is justice? There are many forms of justice including the justice pertaining to law and the justice towards others. For me, justice is defined as caring for those who cannot care for themselves and helping those in need. I exercise this definition of justice both in school as well as in my community with the elderly as well as with my classmates. I will continue to use this definition of justice in university in order to better myself and those around me. My definition of justice is expressed through my actions with the elderly in my community. I believe that one should be help those who are unable to help themselves. I was raised with this mentality from a young age and so I express it through my care of the elderly. Although it isnt an official organization through which I do justice but I help my community nonetheless. Every Friday, I pack a small bag of my necessities in order to care an elderly man throughout the weekend until Sunday afternoon with my mother. While she cares for him by bathing him and changing his clothes, I do other chores that he is unable to do by himself too. I wash the dishes, prepare his pills for the morning, afternoon and beforeShow MoreRelatedCase 29 Panera Bread Company: Rising Fortunes?25159 Words  | 101 Pagesvission of Maxis Berhad is : To bring the future to our customers’ lives and businesses, in a manner that is simple, personalised and enriching, by efficiently and creatively harnessing leading-edge technology and delivering a brand of service experience that is reliable and enchanting. Objective An end that can be reasonably achieved within an expected timeframe and with available resources. In general, an objective is broader in scope than a goal, and may consist of several individual goals
Pycho by alfred hitcock Essay Example For Students
Pycho by alfred hitcock Essay PSYCHOA running theme that is presented to the audience in Psycho is the opposition that exists between good and evil. This is shown throughout the movie among the different characters. Examples can also be taken from conflicts within the characters. Certain conflicts and how the characters deal with them and each other are what shape the structure of the movie. The perception that the audience receives of the characters change throughout the movie by the different conflicts that arise. These conflicts show the audience many sides of good and evil portrayed by the different characters. One of the first impressions of evil in this movie is the character Tom Cassidy. His character is an affluent middle aged gentleman.He portrays society’s perception of America’s upper class, snobbishly rich. Cassidy flaunts his money in Marion’s face. He talks of his eighteen-year-old daughter who is getting married the next day. As her wedding gift he is buying her a house with forty thousand dollars cash. He claims that she has never had an unhappy day in her life. Though this is unrealistic, he proudly boasts about how his money is to thank for this. Another thought from Mr. Cassidy is that money does not buy happiness, but it buys off unhappiness. His interaction with Marion was brief but very vital to the next turn of events. Mr. Cassidy asked Marion point blank if she was unhappy. Her reply â€Å"not inordinately†shows that she is not completely happy with her life(Hitchcock). The major source of her unhappiness is the fact that she can not marry he r beloved Sam until he gets his feet on the ground financially. She then takes Mr. Cassidy’s advice on using money to buy off her unhappiness by stealing his money. Marion never makes a clear-cut decision. Packing her suitcase suggests that she has decided to go through with taking the money.People are able to commit acts they know are immoral only if they inhibit their conscious processes (Rothman, 262). Leaving the money on the bed while she packs suggests that she is unsure of her decision. Forcing herself to just â€Å"do it†she packs her car and leaves, heading for Sam’s hometown. While stopped at a stoplight she sees her boss and Mr. Cassidy crossing the street. This is the first sign to Marion that her attempt to steal the money is futile. Her thoughts are becoming less and less rational and more and more desperate. When she is awakened by the police officer she is once again reminded of the futility of her situation. At this point the audience is drawn towards Marion’s flight. They want her to succeed. Her goals have become the viewers’ goals. With Marion, the audience loses all power of rational control, and discovers how easily a â€Å"normal†person can lapse into a condition usually associated with neurosis. After her encounter with the cop, Marion quickly loses her ability to think rationally.She starts to imagine conversations, and kno ws that Sam will never accept the money. This fact itself shows that her sense of logic is gone. A rationally thinking person would have realized that she would never get away with the crime.As Marion drives on into darkness rain begins to fall heavily. The viewers’ begin to feel as Marion does, hopeless and weary. Her endless journey takes a turn due to an illumination on the side of the road. Marion exits her car at the Bates motel and finds a deserted office. She then turns to discover a large Transylvanian type house on the hill above the motel. A shadow is seen walking past an upstairs window, then a young man is then seen running down the stairs to greet her. He introduces himself as the proprietor of the motel, Norman Bates. As he is checking her in the two begin to converse. Norman finds out that Marion is very hungry. He offers to fix her dinner in the kitchen of the house on the hill. He shows her to her room and tells her to make herself comfortable. He said he would return once dinner was done. As Marion is left alone to unpack she hears a quarrel between Norman and his mother. The impression left by this first appearance of Norman’s mother is that of an overprotective old-fashioned woman. Arts Impact on Society EssayRecognizing the woman’s handwriting, he again questions Norman who then begins to back away from the answers he had given previously. Getting some of the answers that he desired he leaves the motel and calls Lila and Sam from a pay phone. He proceeds to explain that Marion had been at the motel earlier in the week, but had only spent one night and had left early the next morning. Deciding that he needed some more questions answered, he told Lila that he was going to return to the motel but that he would meet them within the hour. Returning to the motel, he encounters no one. Seeing a shadow in the upstairs window, he begins the ascent to the house on the hill. Finding the front door unlocked, he enters. Once inside the house, Aborgast sees a staircase leading to the upstairs bedroom. As he reaches the top of the staircase, Mrs. Bates emerges from the room yielding a knife. After being stabbed, he falls down the stairs where Mrs. Bates proceeds to stab him to death. After more than an hour had passed Lila finally convinced Sam that Arbogast would not just go on without letting them know. She is convinced that something happened and that they need to go check out the Bates motel themselves. When they check into the motel they pretend to be married. They devise a plan to corner Mrs. Bates. Sam detains Norman in the office while Lila searches the house. Once inside the Bates’ home Lila sneaks around carefully. She finds Mrs. Bates bedroom where everything is in perfect order, as if its been a long time sin ce its been used. The audience can almost smell the stale air that envelops the room. Lila then finds her way up to Norman’s room. You get the impression from his room that something is not right. The room looks like it belongs to a young boy and not to a grown man. After a careful search of the upstairs Lila still has not located Mrs. Bates. So she heads downstairs to look for her. As she does this she sees Norman running frantically for the house. She steps into the fruit cellar for a place to hide. Instead of finding a sanctuary she is terrified by the skeletal remains of an old woman. With this finding Lila cannot control herself and she screams aloud. With this a woman with long white hair runs down the cellar steps towards Lila with a huge knife. Sam screams right before the woman has a chance to harm Lila. A battle of strength between Sam and the woman then takes place. During the struggle a wig is knocked off of the woman’s head revealing Norman. The audience i s in disbelief at this point. The next scene takes place at the police station. Where a psychiatrist is busy talking to Norman. When he is done examining Norman he goes into the room where Lila and Sam are anxiously waiting. He then describes in detail what is going on in Norman’s mind. After his explanation the movie goes into the room where Norman/Mother is sitting alone. There is a fly in the room with her and she knows that people are watching her. Her last thought that the audience hears is her saying â€Å"Why she wouldn’t even harm a fly†(Hitchcock).
Public Health and Health Promotion
Question: Discuss about the Report for Public Health and Health Promotion. Answer: Reflective practice: According to Westbury et al. (2012), the term reflective practice is defined as the capability to reflect on any action in order to involve in the continuous process of learning. Such a practice involves paying critical attention to the realistic theories and values incorporated in the daily actions, by examining and evaluating the actions reflexively and reflectively. Reflective skills are regarded as a method of improving the learning and professional practice of students mainly in the higher levels of studies. Although the reflective practices are well accepted, the critical issues are those practices which are a complex, intellectual, rigorous and emotional enterprise that takes the time to be accepted. There are always exists certain clear solutions to complicated arrays of clinical conditions that an individual experiences as a student and also in the future being a health professional. While moving from information to gaining knowledge then to attain wisdom, requires a lifelon g reflective approach to practice. As discussed by Aronson et al. (2012), Teacher beliefs are self-generating, and often unchallenged." A teacher should develop the practice of "critical reflection" otherwise, he or she will grow the habit of unexamined judgments, assumptions, interpretations, and expectations. According to Westbury et al. (2012), the Gibbs model of reflection is an interactive approach which comprises of six steps involving the reflective cycle. The cycle involves the following steps: Description of the experience, sharing the feelings and thoughts, evaluating the experience, analysis of the situation, Conclusion on the account of the experience and lastly the recommendation of the action plan, to prepare the same experience again is done. The most significant attribute of an efficient healthcare practitioner is to possess a reflective skill in order to adhere to the rapidly modifying environment. Therefore, it can be said that reflective practice can be learned, e nhanced and developed (Thompson and Pascal 2012). Aspects of public health promotion: In the future, I would like to pursue the promotion of the physical activity, fitness, and exercise. According to Baldwin (2016), the physical activity involves the movement produced by the skeletal muscles of the human body. This results in energy expenditure. Exercise is a planned, structured and repetitive subset of the physical exercise with an objective to stay fit. Physical fitness is a key attribute of a healthy person. Physical exercise also affects positively to the mental health of an individual. As stated by Thompson and Pascal (2012), the affects of physical health on mental health is potentially very huge. The reason I would like to pursue this study is that in the present world the symptoms of mild mental problems are predominant in almost all human beings which might give rise to several mental disabilities if not treated. According to Baldwin et al. (2012), physical exercise can moderate the depression and reduce the anxiety in the general population. The results of s everal types of research have been fruitful in the areas of substance abuse, coronary-prone and psychological stress. Moreover, physical exercise helps an individual to stay fit and many health related disorders can be reduced by regular exercise. By pursuing the study, I would like to hold programs to make people aware of the benefits of physical exercise (Westbury et al. 2012). Action plan: The action plan of my course would include assessment of the epidemiology related to physical activity to identify the health problems and prospects. This can be done by various health through health-related workshops and programs. As discussed by Baldwin et al. (2012), community workshops and programs can be beneficial for attracting the crowd. As discussed by Westbury et al. (2012), such programs can involve deliverables, lectures on the benefits of physical exercise and fitness. As stated by Bherer et al. (2013), the consequences of such activities need to be explained to develop the habit of exercise in the human beings. The affects of the physical exercise in the recovery from cardiovascular diseases and mental disease can be explained in the community program. Moreover, the determinants of the poor health such as lifestyle, peer support, climatic condition, environment and unsupervised activities need to be explained to the crowd. Moreover the positive effects of physical exerc ise which improve the various mental conditions should be described to the crowd. The first step involved in the program should be the planning of the program Secondly, the epidemiology of every individual present in the program need to be assessed. Thirdly, the instruments to check the fitness status of an individual need to be used as a measure. Fourthly, explanation of the various positive outcomes of physical exercise should be delivered along with the suggestion of implementation of the exercise. Lastly, exercises for specific problems need to be illustrated to the crowd (Collin et al. 2013). Learning usefulness: After learning about the critical reflection, I have realized that in order to make proper assumption and prediction it is very important to critically review the problem and apply the reflective skill in the work. This learning has helped me to first realize the need for physical exercise and stay fit as a prospect of public health promotion. According to Pedrajas et al. (2015), the critical understanding of the complexities of the problem and need of the problem has helped me to understand how to implement the need of physical exercise in my plan of action. In order to understand the problem, I have practiced certain simple relaxation techniques which I want to implement in my future approach. My experience has challenged my personal ideas and values. Therefore practicing the actions have made me understand the mental health or illness much better. From this, I have focused more on the process so that the results are not at the expense of processes that reflect the complexity of ma ny clinical situations. Such learning approaches have evolved me to be a reflective practitioner of clinical activities (Bherer et al. 2013). References: Aronson, L., Niehaus, B., Hill Sakurai, L., Lai, C., OSullivan, P. S. (2012). A comparison of two methods of teaching reflective ability in Year 3 medical students.Medical education,46(8), 807-814. Baldwin, M. and Gould, N. eds., 2012.Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Baldwin, M., 2016.Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organization. Routledge. Bherer, L., Erickson, K.I. and Liu-Ambrose, T., 2013. A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults.Journal of aging research,2013. Collin, S., Karsenti, T. and Komis, V., 2013. Reflective practice in initial teacher training: Critiques and perspectives.Reflective Practice,14(1), pp.104-117. Pedrajas, N., Martn, M., Barriopedro, M. and Vives, E., 2015. Latent demand of physical exercise and sport of adult population in the community of Madrid: gender differences in activities demanded.GORA para la Educacin Fsica y el Deporte,17(3), pp.220-236. Thompson, N. and Pascal, J., 2012. Developing critically reflective practice.Reflective practice,13(2), pp.311-325. Westbury, I., Hopmann, S. and Riquarts, K. eds., 2012.Teaching as a reflective practice: The German Didaktik tradition. Routledge.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Lab Report Boiling Point and Melting Point Essay Example
Lab Report Boiling Point and Melting Point Paper Should be based on observations made during the experiment. Evaluation of laboratory exercise type: On a separate page, each student should write a brief comment regarding 1) which lab method you prefer (inquiry-method, i. E. Problem-solving oriented, or traditional lab. Like this one. 2) group size (individual labs or small-group labs) 3) report writing individual or small group 4) Any negative aspects about chem.. Lab how we can improve them 5) any other comments We expect an evaluation from everyone. If you prefer not to put your name on this evaluation, thats k. Lab Instructions: Objectives: 1. To determine the boiling point of a liquid, and 2. To determine the melting point of a solid. Materials Used: Matches Spoilsport (Rubbing) Alcohol 1-2 small rubber bands Thermometer Powdered stand beaker 2 closed-end capillary tubes (melting point tubes) 10-12 mm diameter test tube Heat source Discussion and Review: In this experiment we will examine additional physical properties of liquids and solids. Two of the more important physical properties of pure substances are the boiling point and the melting point. The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which that liquid is converted to a gaseous state. Boiling point is formally defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid becomes equal to the pressure at the surface of the liquid. The boiling point of. A liquid can change if the pressure at the liquids surface changes. Since pure substances have a distinct boiling point, boiling points are sometimes used to determine the purity of substances. The melting point is the temperature at which a solid is converted to liquid. This is an important property of solids. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Boiling Point and Melting Point specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Boiling Point and Melting Point specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Boiling Point and Melting Point specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The melting point of solids, like the boiling point of liquids, is often used for the identification of substances. Boiling points and melting points are recorded in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, and can be found in the sections titled Physical Constants of Organic Compounds and Physical Constants of Inorganic Compounds. PROCEDURES: I. Boiling Point 1 . Make a test tube assembly by using the following directions and illustration. A. Place about 1 ml of Spoilsport alcohol in a 10-12 mm diameter test tube. B. Using a small rubber band, attach a thermometer to the outside of the test tube. The thermometer bulb should be even with the test tubes bottom. C. Insert an inverted closed end capillary tube into the test tube. . Make a water bath assembly by using the following directions and illustration. A. Half fill a 100 ml or larger beaker with warm tap water. [Note: a water bath is used if the boiling point of the material is expected to be less than the boiling point of water; otherwise, an oil bath is needed. ] b. Place the above test tube assembly in the water bath so that the surface level of the alcohol in the test tube is beneath the surface level of the water bath. . Place the beaker on the wire stand and, stirring frequently to insure even heating, carefully heat the water bath with your heat source until the water bath oils and a rapid stream of bubbles continuously emerges from the capillary tube. [Note: if an oil bath is used, the oil does not boil; the stream of bubbles from the capillary tube is the sole indicator that the liquid in the pipette or test tube is boiling. ] d. Remove the heat source and begin observing the stream of bubbles. E. When the last bubble emerges from the capillary tube, record the temperature. 3. Reheat the water bath and repeat the cooling process two more times. Record the temperature reading after each trial, and average all three trials. 4. The published boiling point of spoilsport alcohol is 82. Co. 5. Calculate the error between the observed boiling point and the published value of the boiling point. II. Melting Point 1 . A. Push the open end of a capillary tube into the powdered academic. B. Move the powder to the closed end of the capillary tube by tapping it on the table. Repeat until the the powdered academic occupies 1-2 mm of the capillary tube end. C. With rubber bands, attach the capillary tube to a thermometer and align the bulb of the thermometer with the closed end of the capillary tube. D. Make a water bath as before by half filling a 100 ml beaker with warm tap water. E. Place the thermometer/capillary tube assembly in the water bath so that the surface level of the powdered academic is beneath the surface level of the water bath. F. Place the beaker on the burner stand and, stirring frequently to insure even heating, carefully heat the water bath with your heat source. G. Note the temperature at which the academic melts. Remove heat source. . Let the academic cool and recitalist. Repeat the procedure two more times and average the results. i. The published melting of academic is ICC. Compare your experimental result with the accepted (published) value. . Calculate the percent error. Clean-up: Dispose of the used capillary tubes by putting them in your trash can. If any spoilsport alcohol is left in your test tube, you may p our it down the drain with All contents copyrighted (c) 1 998 Peter Scoffing, Ph. D. , Professor of Science, Colorado Mountain College All Rights reserved Experiment 10 As described in the lab manual: 1. Record the barometric pressure. 2. Measure about 10 Goff ice using the chemical balance and place it into a 100 ml beaker. Heat over a flame until half of the ice has melted. Remove from heat and measure the temperature s accurately as possible using your laboratory thermometer. Repeat with a 10. 0 g sample of your unknown. Be sure to record your unknown number. 3. Measure 50 ml of water using your graduated cylinder and pour it into a 200 ml beaker. Bring the liquid to a boil over a flame. After the liquid has been boiling for approximately 1-2 minutes, measure the temperature of the boiling liquid. Repeat with a 10 g sample of your unknown. Record all data in your lab notebook and clean up. We followed all the steps above pretty much closely and pretty much got the results for water that we expected, except that the ductwork had cheap thermometers because one of them broke (this was my lab partners fault she used it as a stirring rod which is exactly what you said not to do in your lecture) and the new one was off by a few degrees but it was close enough for this simple experiment. The pressure in the room was 761. 2 and the temperatures we measured for our unknown were: -15 and 17. Correcting for our water results this made our measurements -15. 2 and 17. 4 after the corrections. Based on these temperatures and the data we looked up in the library, our unknown was certainly blabber gas. The error in our results as really small and the experiment worked really good. Other errors include: possible math errors in our calculations and human error. Overall the lab was really good and we learned quite a lot of stuff. Especially liked the part where the blabber gas exploded when heated scaring my partner (I think that may be why she broke the thermometer). The only criticism of the lab is that the equipotent wasnt really great and that we ran out of time but otherwise it was a really good experience and I think it taught us a lot of chemistry. Notes: For references we used our textbook, lab manual, and the Chemical Handbook mound on shelf 2 of the library (behind the reference desk). What to do? A. Student Chemistry 1 Identification of a Compound using Melting and Boiling Points Introduction One of the primary methods used to characterize a new compound is the physical determination of its normal melting and boiling points. The normal melting and boiling point is the temperature at which a substance melts or boils when the barometric pressure is 760 mug or 1 ATM. In this experiment we will first calibrate our thermometers using ice and water, whose normal melting and boiling points are well characterized as 0. DC and 100. 0 ICC, respectively[l]. Following this, we will measure the normal melting and boiling points of an unknown compound. We will use this data to determine the identity of our unknown from a list of possible unknown samples and physical data from the Chemical Handbook[2]. Experimental Procedure As described in the lab manual,[3] ice was placed in a beaker and warmed until approximately 50% had melted. The temperature of the ice/water mixture was then measured with a thermometer. This was followed by a similar measurement of our solid unknown. In part II, water was heated until boiling and the enrapture of the liquid/gas mixture measured with a thermometer. This was followed by a similar measurement using our unknown compound. Toggle the best results possible, the procedure in the manual was modified by repeating each trial three times.
Friday, April 17, 2020
How to Write a Proposal Argument Sample Essay
How to Write a Proposal Argument Sample EssayIf you are writing a proposal, it is important to learn how to write a proposal argument sample essay. An argument sample can help you create an effective and persuasive argument that will increase your chances of acceptance by the business. Writing a persuasive proposal requires a knowledge of the paper. This tutorial will show you how to create a winning argument in a proposal.Proposal Argument Example - The argument that has been used in a lot of successful proposals is that the proposal has been written in a straightforward manner. The first part of the argument should be about the business and the second part should be about the project itself. This technique is used in many successful proposals because it is very easy to read and readability is a great aspect in this type of proposal. A lot of businesses have hired experts in writing to make sure that they will produce a very easy to read proposal.The key to making great arguments is to get your point across with simple language. For example, in writing about your company, it is good to talk about the benefits of working for your company. Most successful businesses actually do this and it will increase your credibility. Your essay will also help to sell the project to the reader. By using simple language, it will not sound like it is forced on you and this will help the reader to see the benefits of working for your company.A good argument should have some facts and figures that will help your reader understand the points you are making. Remember that most businesses do not want to hire a third party to evaluate the proposal. This will give them the impression that you are trying to try and squeeze more money out of them.The first part of your proposal will be a review of what your company is offering. Some businesses do not use a formal proposal but instead use a letter or an email in order to explain what they are offering. This is a very effective way to use a brief argument that will help to build your credibility and gain your readers trust.The next section of your argument will talk about the main points of the proposal. The key to this part of the proposal is to be consistent in presenting your main points. By using your main points each time, your readers will feel as if they know what you are talking about.The last part of your proposal will talk about the project. It is good to state the amount of money you will be paying for the project so that your readers know that they are getting a great deal. You should also state the date the project will be completed.It is easy to read a proposal and to understand the facts. Many businesses do not understand the fact that a good argument will help to make a good proposal. You should always make sure that you are getting all of the facts before writing a proposal.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Writing Wisdom Choosing Your Unique Style
Writing Wisdom Choosing Your Unique Style Writing Wisdom: Choosing Your Unique Style They say writing is like speaking and thinking. From the moment we learn how to form letters into words, we are introduced to the world of expressing ourselves. You can share your thoughts, ideas or what interests you with others poetically, metaphorically, or matter-of-factly (we took a little creative license with that turn of phrase). Pick a book, newspaper or magazine, and you will notice what’s written was done in a style that made the content interesting or boring. Thats why its important to pay attention to the words you write and how you present those words. Choosing the best writing style for your project can elevate your material to a â€Å"worthy read†or a classic. Writers not just professional novelists and historians but anyone who sits down and picks up a pen, need to select a style or form of writing they want to emulate. There are plenty of options to choose: Poems and lyrics: If we want to say something lyrically or rhythmically, whether to turn it into a song with music or say it with flow, this style of expression can be particularly meaningful. It can make language fun or moving, but takes talent, a quick wit, and a strong vocabulary. Tales and Novels: This is an exciting genre to explore. Tales and novels take you away from the current world to a place the author wants you to visit. It could be fiction or nonfiction, but the strength of the narrative lies in how much it involves its reader. Articles and blogs: The concept behind article or blog writing is to share a personal or professional story or experience to the reader. It can be an idea, product, event or a concept that the author wants to share with others and involve them in it by providing information and/or connecting with the reader. News Articles: News articles are a more focused form of writing where the content written informs others about something that happened or is happening. It is an actual event people might want to know about, or need to know about. This is done for the awareness and education of people. The emphasis of the writing is on â€Å"who, what, when, where, why and how.†Biographies and autobiographies: This form of writing delves into one’s own life or the life of someone else and shares the different stages, twists, turns, ups, and downs of it with others for entertainment and/or education. Writing is not limited to the list above there’s a whole new world to explore. Various forms and styles appeal to different authors and potential authors! If you want to explore your inner Dickinson, Hemingway, Shakespeare, Sande or Sartre, give us a
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Fantasy Story from Another World
The cat tried to remind me of my dignity by seeing the girl. But, as usual, when they see his young man, his hard and sunny eyes will soften. She is a naughty human girl from 4 to 5 years old who has sweet, blonde hair and blue eyes like the sky. Cats are currently caught in the most rude manner, his feet are hanging in the air, and his body remains tight in the space between her arms and the body. The girl turned and his golden blonde eyes slightly swollen. However, he was absurd but resisted. Fantasy: Another world of fairy tales. The definition looks simple, but it's not as simple as it sounds audible. This is an exquisite story of a fantastic fairy whose creation lives in a fantastic world that requires some important elements. Fairy Tales, J. R. R. Turkien plays the role of a chef and uses soup as a fairy tale. In order to realize the concept of fantasy, the author has created a secondary world for the reader. - High fantasy is a relatively new type introduced in the second half of the 19th century. Through this novel, authors have the opportunity to answer the big social problems winning in their lives. This matures this type as our culture progresses. High fantasy has rapidly evolved into a widely accepted and accepted type; George R.R What is a fantasy novel? Fantasy is a type that uses magic and other supernatural elements as the main plot. The story created by many authors tells the world of supernatural power and magic. Science fiction, fantasy, horror is a subtype of speculative fiction. Therefore, these three are closely related and are often misunderstood as the same. Several authors with little knowledge about genre differences may overlap. Scope of Fantasy Novels - Types of fantasies are mainly medieval shapes. But in a broader sense, in fantasy, many writers, filmmakers, artists, works of ancient legends and mythical musicians are included in many of the recent popular works I will. Fantasy novel works range from structural theory mainly to rum en space, medieval connection, and popular culture.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Malware and how it affects the system and the Victim also how it get Essay
Malware and how it affects the system and the Victim also how it get into a Victim machine - Essay Example software as rogue security software, spyware, worms, adware, dialers, Trojan, computer virus and key loggers among others which normally appear in the form of active contents, codes as well as scripts (Klaus, 2013). However, it is worth noting that malwares are different from defective software in the regard that defective software may be legitimate software which would have had defective bugs before release and which were not corrected. Malwares get access into a personal computer system through a variety of ways, which include through an exchange of contaminated files, accessing contaminated online materials or even through legitimate download of corrupted software from the online stores. Attackers or the developers of these malware are known to attach the malware onto legitimate software online and as such, unsuspecting victims purchase the software only to have the harmful software get into their computer system. However, such malware as spyware spread through individual installation by visiting security holes or even though installation of corrupted programs from harmful websites. Ill intentions by hackers or malware developers lead to the design and programming of the harmful software in order to access sensitive information from organizations or even private system. These software programs are used to steal sensitive financial, personal or even business information, which is targeted by the hackers. Besides the use of malware to gather or ‘steal’ important information from corporate systems, the malicious software is used to disrupt the operations of computer systems and as a result bring about much suffering to organizations or corporate. The software has been used in many instances to target government operations, bank systems as well as corporate and private security systems for profit gains by the hackers (Reavis, 2012). The working of the different malicious software differs from one type to another. Worms and virus are known to target executable
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Current issue in global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Current issue in global business - Essay Example In 2008, one of the most severe financial crises since the Great Depression struck. Banks had been lending money recklessly for several years and this led to a serious asset bubble. To make things worse, many of the people who borrowed money were completely unable to pay off their debts as they became due. Banks and businesses collapsed. Millions of people were laid off. Credit dried up, making it very hard to borrow money and allow companies to begin the rebuilding process. Throughout these problems, corporate taxes remained high in most developed countries. In Canada, they were reduced somewhat, with an eye towards encouraging business opportunities (Vieira). Elsewhere, however, they remain high and continue to limit the amount of jobs that can be created and the economic re-bound that is desperately required to restore western economies to a level comparable to pre-2008. This is an issue for everyone who cares about global stability and economic growth. The backbone of our economi es are our corporations, be they small family-owned businesses are huge multi-national companies. We need to work hard to create environments in which they can thrive and hire employees. There are those who would wish to raise corporate tax rates and effectively stifle growth. ... They wish to see Ireland's advantage wiped out completely. Ireland has been forced to accept a massive bailout from the EU and so far has managed to keep its tax rate, a point of national pride, but only after great duress was brought to bear on its government by countries such as France, which have a high corporate tax rate and don't like Ireland's competitive tax advantage (EU Business). When countries squabble like this, it is businesses that lose out. This kind of instability is anathema to good business. They have a very difficult time planning long-term when they are not sure what the tax rate will be a few years down the line. Stability is key in these kinds of situations. Some say that lowering corporate tax rates is the wrong policy. It involves giving extra cash to those who need it less. They suggest it makes more sense to give money to education programs and needy families. But they miss the point. Lowering corporate taxes jump-starts business. It allows companies to hire more people. Businesses form the cornerstone of the economy. We should not punish them with high taxes. Of all countries in the world, it is most surprising to learn that the United States has one of the highest tax rates in the world. Despite the fact that it is often seen as a champion of business, it makes life very difficult for them. Even Republicans see fit to attack business when they talk about putatively lowering taxes. A recent article discusses the opinion of Eric Cantor, the majority Republican leader in the House: As a first step toward that wider overhaul, Mr. Cantor said he supports allowing U.S. multinational corporations to bring nearly $1.2 trillion in profits derived from foreign operations onshore at a temporary lower tax rate, in a bid to
Friday, January 24, 2020
Response To: Hiroshma By Berger :: essays research papers
In his essay "Hiroshima," John Berger examines the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. As he flips through the pages of the book Unforgettable Fire, he begins to relay his own views on the dropping of the A-bomb. Berger suggests his belief that it was an act of terrorism on the Japanese. While viewing the drawings, paintings, and descriptions the victimes of the A-bomb created, Berger starts forming his opinion on the tragedy. He eventually concludes that Japan was a victim of terrorism. However, unlike most terrorists who are from small countries, Japan's attacker was the most powerful nation in the world. America, the country that symbolizes peace and freedom, led the massacre on thousands of Japanese. Just as Berger states, when American children are taught about Hiroshima, the fact that it was unnecessary is ommitted. Never had I been urged to stop and comtemplate the question of why it happened. Likewise, never was this topic addressed in my history courses. In fact, I cannot remember one occassion when I was told of the innocent people who became victims of the attack. I, just as all American children, was taught that it was an important event in history. However,it was never once explained to me that it was important because it marked the largest terrorist act in history. As Berger composes his essay, he argues against things that everyone is told are wrong. However, he is one of the few who actually make the connection between the Hiroshima attack and terrorism. His argument is utterly flawless. He defines terrorism and then points out every aspect of this definition in the Hiroshima bombing. From the lack of necessity to the loss of thousands of innocent lives, the Hiroshima incident represents the model terrorist attack.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Education and Training Essay
Although a certain degree level is not necessary, some employers will prefer a bachelors or associates degree. The degree field of a 911 dispatcher includes criminal justice, communications, and computer science. Computer skills in typing and computer- aided dispatch software is needed. It is required that you have a clean criminal background, you are able to pass the drug and lie detector test, you have good hearing and vision and you need to have U.S Citizenship. Before becoming a 911 operator, a lengthy application process must become completed. With attached resume, an application for employment must be submitted to an emergency response office Employers usually provide specific training for new operator Receive training on radio equipment, broadcasting, common communication skills, and stress management Training can take 3-6 months to complete Need to complete a certificate program in emergency communications Responsibilities Operate various computer and communication equipment Receive emergency calls from telephone, radio or other computer-aided dispatch system. Determine nature of call and location of the caller Direct the type and number of emergency service units to the scenes. Maintain communication with the caller to monitor the situation and be able to give first-aid instructions. Receive and respond to emergency and non-emergency services and complaints Coordinate the responses of public safety agencies Translate information into the appropriate codes Ask vital questions to the callers Maintain familiarity with specific Safety Operating Procedures and various manuals that include mandatory information Maintain a high level of mental stability and professionalism Be available for shifts at any time needed Daily Activities Use judgement and decision making skills to evaluate situations Work under dramatically stressful situations Establish priorities and pass on information as needed Work rotating shifts during evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays Enter information into the computer at a rate of 30-50 words per minute Maintain confidentiality Demonstrate teamwork during all emergencies Use interpersonal and technical skills Meets ethical guidelines by treating people with respect Documentation of Sources Become a 911 Dispatcher: Education Requirements and Salary Info. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2014, from Job Duties of 911 Dispatchers. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2014, from The Heart Behind The Voice: 911 Dispatchers. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2014, from Self-Reflection I don’t think that I would like to be a 911 Operator because of having to sit behind a desk and answering emergency phone calls. I think it would put me under a lot of pressure to communicate with those in the emergency situation. Sitting behind a desk and directing things is boring. I like the exhilarating job of being hands on. TOXICOLOGIST Education and Training Start master science courses in middle and high school A bachelor’s degree in toxicology, biology or chemistry is needed Degree program in toxicology requires 127 credits with a focus on natural sciences and biomedical studies After obtaining a bachelor’s degree, a career path is established to determine whether or not to focus on a specialized area of toxicology in graduate school With a doctoral degree, a toxicologist continues with postdoctoral training Seek board certification from a reputable association like the American Board of Forensic Toxicology, which shows level of experience and competence Courses taken to determine how local environmental substances can affect and metabolize within the human body: Industrial and environmental agent toxicology Methods of toxicology analysis Reaction dynamics in physical chemistry Rules of evidence studies Molecular and cellular biology Forensic Toxicology Specialists can be certified through The American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT) Responsibilities Study both physical and chemical agents that interact with the body Specializes in the examination of tissues, bodily fluids and blood. Determine whether illegal substances such as excessive levels of drugs and alcohol were present during the time of the crime Also study animals Find hazardous substances in our water Declare whether cosmetics or everyday substances are safe to use Collect various samples Prepare samples of harmful substances for testing and analysis Dissect dead animals and examine organs for signs of toxic materials Take tissue and blood samples from living animals for microscopic investigation Conduct research to understand how toxins affect people and animals Perform laboratory analysis on samples to observe cellular, biochemical and molecular responses to toxins Determine safe-levels of contact Daily Activities Study of toxic materials and how they affect the environment, human and animal health and future technology Conduct studies on food, air, water and soil to determine how they are altered when coming into contact with medicines, garden chemicals and industrial chemicals Work in labs performing basic or applied research on toxic substances Help enforce new laws enacted by the government about new chemicals and of their effects Play important roles in teamwork of scientists Collaborate with other technicians, scientists and peers when an experiment needs to be conducted quickly and completely. Documentation of Sources (Portal, Education), (n.d.). Forensic toxicology training and degree program information. Retrieved from, (Alyson, Jennifer), (Media, Demand), (n.d.). What are the duties of a Toxicologist? Retrieved from, (Dunn, Kelly. Peacock), (Media, Demand), (n.d.). Education required for a toxicologist. Retrieved from, Self- Reflection I would like to be a Toxicologist because of the way what they do goes with our everyday life such as various cosmetics and water. I didn’t know that they could also examine toxins in animals as well. I found that to be very interesting. I didn’t like that they have to come in contact with harmful chemicals but with the appropriate safety precautions taken, this can be a very fascinating career.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Censorship Is A Controversial Restriction - 1008 Words
Censorship is a controversial restriction that can be placed on almost every aspect of life. The origin of censorship was used as a trademark for leaders throughout history to direct and control society. Now censorship is accomplished through the altering of books, plays, films, television, radio channels, and other forms of communication. The motives of censorship are wide ranged, with censors aiming at material believed to be offensive, explicit, rebellious and/or profane. As a result, ideas have been suppressed to protect the general population as well as, states repute, and religious ideals. In order to really know censorship, and the act of censoring, one must detect and experience the problem at hand. Also, people must avoid the public broadcast of the word at first glance. People need to know that censorship has been idle in history since early times. Societies in these prehistoric periods had various regulations. These guidelines reflected upon general policies such as what one is required to wear, how one speaks, in what way one carries themselves and an abundance of other rules. For example, in Athens, Greece where democracy first begun, censorship was manipulated in a way to bring about a broad change in their everyday lifestyle. Dictators in this democracy appointed censors to ban any tales in relation to negative means. Dictators also brought to the table that any unusual or irregular practices done by the people are subjected as crimes. Numerous poets in theseShow MoreRelatedEssay on Censorship in Schools is not Justifiable959 Words  | 4 PagesCensorship i n School is Not Justifiable Walt Whitman once said, â€Å"The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book.†Between the years 2000 and 2009 a total of 3200 books were challenged in school libraries in an attempt to expurgate, or censor, the content in books provided to students. Today the trend of censorship continues as popular novels such as The Hunger Games, The Fault in Our Stars, and Captain Underpants are censored from schools across the nation (Challenges by Reason).Censorship in regardsRead MoreInternet Censorship And Its Effect On Society1053 Words  | 5 PagesInternet Censorship is Detrimental to Society The Internet was designed to enable and facilitate communications with connected systems at the local, state, national and international levels. The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched a research campaign to find effective ways to link computers to help the exchange of information. In the 1990s, the Internet took off and entered a growth phase which caused an increase in communications worldwide. DARPA did notRead MoreOn January 1, 2016, The Institute Of Contemporary History1736 Words  | 7 Pageshad to contend with a lot of criticism due to their strong censorship of Mein Kampf. According to one commentator, letting people read the book and make their mind meditate upon its content could do more to fight fascism rather than strict censorship (Horn). Unfortunately, not many governments view censorship in this light. In the current digital age, it is extremely hard to completely block the distribution of any book. In fact, censorship often raises the curiosity of the public, leading to an evenRead MoreCensorship of the Arts in Singapore1474 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween freedom of and restrictions upon artistic expression? The commonly accepted definition of censorship- that certain texts, images, or films should be banned. The Longman’s English Dictionary defines censorship as to examine books, films, letters etc, to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous. Narrowing down the definition to cover The Arts scene in Singapore, the question beckons should anyone have the power to place restrictions on an individual’sRead MoreCensorship Is A Controversial Topic Essay1399 Words  | 6 Pages Censorship in the media that is a very common yet, controversial topic due to the subject matter being around children and the youth. It has sparked attention from many government and public individuals that have demanded a probation on certain age groups. The official start on the entire blockade of certain age groups has started with the MPAA†Motion Picture Association of America†in wanting to prohibit certain age groups from viewing certa in movies, yet there has always been ways around theRead MoreCensorship And Its Effect On The Creativity And Enjoyment Of What We Indulge Ourselves1647 Words  | 7 Pages How does censorship in media undermine the creativity and enjoyment of what we indulge ourselves in? The existence of censorship itself can take many forms in media. Sometimes it can exist for reasonable reasons to the most absurd. This filter has existed as long as public demonstration has existed; there was always information that has not has not been shown or spreadto the public. Now in modern times, it has been used and implemented in across several formats in media and entertainment. Is itRead MoreHow Important Is The First Amendment?950 Words  | 4 Pagesessential values in our society. â€Å"Censorship,†according to the ACLU, â€Å"†¦ is the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are offensive, happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral valu es on others†. (ACLU, 2016) That is why the American citizen’s right to free speech should be held as the highest virtue and any censorship of freedom of speech should not be allowed, but only respected. Not to mention that censorship is unconstitutional. Freedom of speechRead MoreEssay on Censorship and Freedom of Speech658 Words  | 3 PagesCensorship may be protection from inappropriate materials, but it also limits free speech. For the limitation of free speech, it is reasonable why people are emphatically against censorship. It is understood that there is a need to filter some of the materials released in today’s society, but too much is being done by people who have no right meddling with everyone’s rights. Civilization has always been plagued by a never ending battle being fought over what is deemed right and wrong. In today’sRead More Prevent Internet Censorship, Save Freedom of Speech Essay1293 Words  | 6 Pageswhirl of internet controversy arose. Public scrutiny of many popularly viewed sites has resulted in the call for restrictions in order to prevent the harmful aspects of the internet. This controversial topic has created a rift in website surfers from around the world. Internet censorship is the control of access to information presented on the internet. Advocates of internet restrictions argue that popular sites are the source of obsessions which result in crumbling relationships, put minors in dangerRead MoreFreedom For Students And Parents Should Limit Academic Freedom820 Words  | 4 Pagesdecades now, censorship has been a prominent issue in American education. Though what’s best for students is at the forefront of that conversation, many continue to disagree about the amount of academic freedom that K-12 public school teachers should have in their classrooms. The idea of censoring teachers’ messages to students and even school activities is grounded in protecting the morality of American childre n. Proponents of academic freedom for K-12 teachers believe that censorship has instilled
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